i. The Board
Together with the General Assembly of Members, the Board is responsible for formulating policies as well as the general management of RIEFP affairs. It is presided over by the Board Chairperson. The Board and the secretariat led by the Executive Director/Secretary to the Board implements resolutions of the General Assembly meeting of members.
ii. The Secretariat.
It’s the overall overseer of the management activities, and is responsible in managing all businesses of the RIEFP in the day to day manner and reports to the board. The Management is carried out by the Personnel who implement policies and activities. The Executive Director, supported by Coordinators and other skilled staff, manages RIEFP’s day-to-day activities.
Executive Director- Remigius Mdetele
Finance - Mr. Erasto Nyakutwa
Programme Coordinator - Mr. GEORGE MWAIBINDI
M&E - Fadhili Benedict
Training Officer (Tailoring) - Miss KHADIJA SALUM
Training Officer (Carpentry) - Hussein Abas
Peer Educators Coordinator - Hekima Dzombe
Nutrition Coordinator - Yilongo Mwasaka
Agriculture Training-Mlowe John