
RIEFP’s Experience in Executing Projects
To-date, we have managed several Projects. These are;
 Conducted training to 52 teachers on guidance and counseling for both primary school and secondary school students in Mbarali district

Establishment of tailoring and carpentry youth groups at Rujewa and Ubaruku wards in Mbarali district.  A total of four groups are benefiting.

To train research for baseline on how our children learn in basic education skills in Mbarali District under the UWEZO NGO this operates in East African Countries, Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda funded to SKMAVMM NGO at Mbarali district.

To train teachers for training pupils in Secondary schools and primary schools at Mbarali district council for life skills learning in to help them as a means to escape from HIV/AIDS pandemic in 8 wards, namely Rujewa, Isisi, Igomelo, Chimala, Ubaruku, Igurusi, Itamboleo and Imalilo Songwe.

 2014 - JULY

- HIV/AIDS Club coordinators have increased from 2 in 2012/2014 to 30 in 2015/2016
- Students are more confident to talk issues affecting them like growth and reproductive health, drug abuse, lack of focus in studies, hygiene during puberty and menstrual cycles and so on.

To hold capacity building to and enroll 20 post primary and secondary school students (most vulnerable) on tailoring training and 10 on carpentry training at Rujewa and Chimala wards.
- There are 20(females) post primary and secondary schools trained on tailoring and 5boys on carpentry for the purpose of making them be reached with self-help in future.
- The programme continues by using two tailoring tutors and one carpenter.

To conduct HIV prevention focusing on risks of sexual debut and Behavioral Change Communication through focused group discussions and debates among 1000 students in 2 secondary schools namely Rujewa and Igomelo in Rujewa and Lugelele wads respectively


To enroll 15 post primary and post-secondary school students (most vulnerable) on tailoring training
- Only 4 (2m, 2f) post primary students out of 15 targeted students were trained on tailoring
- Only 2 are self-employed and the rest are apprenticed
To identify most vulnerable school students for care and social support in two secondary schools of Rujewa and Igomelo


To train for two days 50 secondary school students at Rujewa Secondary school on sanitation and hygiene for people living with HIV and AIDS provided as one of components of HBC service
- 50 (20m, 30f) students were reached
- Positive HIV students are doing for themselves and look healthy and smart
- HBC clients in homes are properly cared by students and other family members unlike before the training

To conduct coaching to Rujewa secondary 1050 school students importance of sports and games for heath in general and for people living with HIV and AIDS in particular, provided as one of components of HBC service
- Sports and games are done weekly on Friday evening at school
- Students like sports and games
- Cooperation among students and between teachers is high hence stigma is not found
To solicit school materials from ELIMISHA organization to support 136 MVC school students on continuous learning
- 136 (65m, 71f) MVC primary school students were supported with exercise books, school bags, uniforms and pens/pencils
- Their attendance is more